.Net Core

.NET Core is an open-source, cross-platform framework developed by Microsoft for building modern, cloud-based, and high-performance applications. It is a modular and lightweight framework designed to run on Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems

This cross-platform compatibility allows developers to build applications that can be deployed on various operating systems, increasing flexibility and scalability.

.NET Core is open-source, meaning its source code is freely available for developers to view, modify, and contribute to. The open-source nature of . . NET Core fosters collaboration, innovation, and community-driven development.

What is Dot Net Programming?

.NET framework which is formed by Microsoft is a primary part for most of the major applications running on Windows. It can function with several programming languages including C#, VB.NET, C++ etc. Applications created using .NET can be appealing because of the visually attractive experiences coupled with seamless and secured communication system. The Dot Net Classes at iGllowSoft will have a far-reaching impact on the participants since the trainer delves even into the advanced concepts.

Features of .NET Core

1. Cross-Platform Compatibility

2. Open-Source

3. Modular Architecture

4. High Performance

5. Unified Development Platform

6. Cloud-Native Support

7. ASP.NET Core

8. Entity Framework Core

9. Tooling and Ecosystem

Syllabus for .NET Core

1. C# Programming Basics

2. Working with .NET Core CLI

3..NET Core Fundamentals

4. Building Console Applications

5. Web Development with ASP.NET Core

6. RESTful API Development

7. Data Access with Entity Framework Core

8. Authentication and Authorization

9. Testing .NET Core Applications

10. Deployment and Hosting

11. Advanced Topics

The average salary for .Net Developer in India is

5L /year

Dot Net Training in Chennai

iGlowSoft offers Best Dot Net Training in Chennai with expert professionals. Our course is framed to give the learners the skills and competence to gain a competitive advantage in commencing a career in Microsoft .Net domain. We groom you for interviews and offer 100% support in job placement with top IT cos. The candidates receive up-to-date training in several fields in Dot Net including MVC, ASP .NET and a comprehensive grasp of real-world projects.

Asp.Net Training in Chennai

Asp.Net training course content is exclusively designed with Basics through Advanced Concepts. This Asp.Net course is specifically designed as per the Microsoft Official Curriculum (MOC) to provide COMPLETE PRACTICAL Training on Asp.Net

Asp.Net Training Course ContentAsp.Net Training Course Content

Web Programming Introduction

Traditional ASP Basics

ASP.NET Introduction & Controls

ASP.NET Architecture

Redirecting User to Another Page

Master Pages

Master Pages

Validation Controls

ASP.NET State Management

Web Configuration File and Global.asax

Authentication & Authorization

Application Service Providers

Asked Questions

NET is a developer platform by Microsoft that enables the creation of various types of applications, offering a framework for building scalable, secure, and cross-platform software solutions.

2239 companies reportedly use . NET in their tech stacks, including Accenture, Stack Overflow, and Trustpilot.

.NET offers language interoperability and a rich class library, enabling developers to choose their preferred language and access pre-built components for efficient application development. Additionally, .NET provides seamless integration with the Microsoft ecosystem and ensures scalability, security, and performance in applications.

Learning .NET expands your job opportunities and enables you to build scalable, secure applications across platforms, aligning with industry demands and modern development practices. Its versatile ecosystem and integration with Microsoft technologies offer a solid foundation for software development careers.

It is a programming language for developing applications, websites, and software. It is an open-source platform that developers of different skill levels can use. The demand for . NET developers will increase because more companies use this technology in their business practices and products.